Environ Industrial 02 (EI-02) EI-02 is the chemicals extracted from nature, it is staple that reduces surface tension with useful with every surface condition. Moreover, it was improved in the group of Biodegradable Aqueous Cleaner, it means that this product can biodegradable itself.
This Product can soluble in water 100%, you can mix with the water with ratio 1:10 until 1:20. However, it can degradation without destroying the environment. Therefore, this product was approved by the ministry of industry. Environ is the new choice for cleaning and heal effectively.
Cerathai Co., Limited – Import, distribute and provide after-sales service for industrial factories, which includes environmentally friendly cleaner “Environ”. From our experience of over 20 years, we are confident that industrial users will receive satisfaction from our products and services with good quality and maximum benefit.
580 Pradit Manutham Road, Phlapphla, Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310
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